Our Approach

At RN Classes, we believe that each and every student can master maths when they are taught the way they learn!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 We believe it is our responsibility as educators to present maths using in such a way that each student has the opportunity and tools to be empowered through learning maths and being able to apply it in everyday life.

We believe every child, fundamentally, has the capacity for great things. That given the right direction, mentoring and - yes - education, they have the capability to achieve. The one-to-one environment of private maths tuition means their capabilities can be nourished, developed and grown outside of the noise of the classroom, and their full potential can be realised.


  • Small class room based class.
  • 4 to 5 children maximum.
  • One to one approach.
  • Open communication with student & parent.
  • Exam oriented approach.
  • Students start liking the tough subject.
  • Learning is changed into passion.
  • Gain understanding and confidence especially in areas where student has struggled before.
  • Become more confident.
  • Achieving success.

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